Q4 PT 2

Original question: Breanna is 10 years old. She has two bestfriends. One whom she has known since the first grade, Claire. The other friend she has known since the third grade, Kaydee. Claire has always thought it was funny to pick on Breanna because She would just laugh it off, However, the jokes really do hurt Breanna's feelings. One day Claire took it to the extreme and started saying Breana was fat. Claire even got Kaylee to make fun of Breanna. Breanna was 5'3 and 100 pounds. Average weight but, Breanna believed them. She stopped eating and whatever she did eat she purged it all up, and worked out to burn off the extra calories. Breanna eventually moved away to a new town, and started eating again. However, she ended up gaining 65 pounds. Now she is even unhappier than she was before. What should Breanna do?
PT. 2
Its been 3 years later, and Breanna now 13 and weighs 165 pounds. She wants to lose weight but every pound she loses she gains. She hates going out because she changed from wearing a small to a large. Shes shy. And purposely runs everybody off. She has anxiety and wants to go back to when she was 10 and prevent herself from her eating disorder.
what should Breanna do to become happy?

Breanna should seek professional help and support to address her feelings of unhappiness and her ongoing struggle with weight. She should consider speaking with a therapist or counselor who specializes in eating disorders and body image issues. They can help her understand the underlying causes of her negative body image and provide guidance on how to develop a healthier relationship with food and exercise.

Additionally, Breanna should reach out to a doctor or registered dietitian to receive expert advice on nutrition and weight management. They can help her develop a balanced and sustainable eating plan that promotes a healthy weight loss, taking into account her individual needs and preferences. It's important for Breanna to focus on long-term health and well-being rather than solely on weight loss.

It may also be beneficial for Breanna to engage in activities or hobbies that promote self-acceptance and build her self-esteem. This could include joining supportive communities or clubs, practicing mindfulness or meditation, and finding outlets for self-expression such as journaling or art.

Lastly, it's crucial for Breanna to surround herself with positive and supportive people who uplift and validate her. She should distance herself from anyone who makes negative comments about her body or tries to bring her down.

Remember, recovery from an eating disorder takes time and effort, but it is possible. With the right support, Breanna can overcome her struggles and find happiness and self-acceptance.


Claire and Kaydee have reached out to Breanna asking how she is. Breanna starts remembering everything, from the two making fun of her, to Breanna asking them to stop & them not caring that she had an eating disorder, to her moving away.
She blames them for everything and has become Insecure and spiteful. She types out a long, angry, hateful text and wonders whether to send it or not should she?

No, Breanna should not send the angry, hateful text. While it is understandable that she may be feeling hurt and resentful towards Claire and Kaydee, sending a message filled with anger and hatred is unlikely to bring any positive resolution or healing to the situation.

Instead, Breanna should consider taking some time to reflect on her emotions and find healthier ways to process and express them. Writing down her feelings in a journal or talking to a trusted friend or counselor can be helpful in gaining clarity and finding a more constructive approach to addressing the situation.

It is also important for Breanna to remember that holding onto anger and resentment can be detrimental to her own well-being. Focusing on forgiveness and letting go of negative emotions can be a more empowering and healing path. This does not mean that she needs to reconcile with Claire and Kaydee or forget what happened, but rather to prioritize her own mental and emotional health.

Breanna may want to consider seeking therapy or counseling to work through her feelings of insecurity and spite. A therapist can provide guidance and support in finding healthier ways to cope with the past and move forward in a positive manner.

Ultimately, it is important for Breanna to prioritize her own well-being and focus on healing rather than seeking revenge or fueling anger.


Breanna wants to lose the 65 pounds she had gained. How should she go about this?

As mentioned earlier, it is important for Breanna to consult with a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or registered dietitian, for personalized guidance on weight loss. They can assess her individual needs, consider any underlying health conditions or concerns, and develop a safe and effective plan for her to reach her weight loss goals.

Here are some general tips that Breanna can keep in mind when trying to lose weight:

1. Set realistic goals: It is important for Breanna to set realistic and achievable weight loss goals. Aim for a healthy and sustainable weight loss of 1-2 pounds per week.

2. Focus on nutrition: Breanna should prioritize a balanced and nutritious diet. This includes consuming a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats. Portion control can also be helpful in managing calorie intake.

3. Be mindful of portion sizes: Paying attention to portion sizes can help Breanna manage her calorie intake. She can use measuring cups, a food scale, or visual cues to gauge appropriate portions.

4. Stay hydrated: Drinking enough water can help Breanna feel fuller and can support overall health and weight management.

5. Engage in regular physical activity: Encourage Breanna to incorporate exercise into her routine. This can include activities she enjoys, such as walking, dancing, swimming, or cycling. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity each week, along with strength training exercises twice a week.

6. Prioritize self-care and stress management: Breanna should focus on overall well-being, including managing stress and getting enough sleep. Adequate sleep and stress reduction can play a significant role in weight management.

Remember, it is essential for Breanna to approach weight loss with a focus on overall health and well-being, rather than solely on numbers on a scale. Seeking guidance from professionals can help ensure she has a safe and effective plan tailored to her individual needs.

Time for Q7.

Breanna decides to not send the hateful message. About 4 months later Claire & Kaydee Show up at Breanna's house. Breanna is at a loss for words, She wants to scream hateful words but she feels like there is a frog stuck in her throat. She starts having a mini Panic attack. Breanna didn't tell her parents about what happened when she was 10 so her parents must've thought everything ended on good terms. She doesn't know what to do. What should she do?

In this situation, it is important for Breanna to prioritize her own mental and emotional well-being. Here are some steps she can consider taking:

1. Take a deep breath and practice self-care: Breanna should focus on calming herself down and managing her panic attack. Taking slow, deep breaths can help to regulate her breathing and calm her nerves. Engaging in grounding techniques, such as focusing on her senses or repeating a calming mantra, can also be helpful.

2. Assess her boundaries: Breanna should take a moment to reflect on her boundaries and how she feels about Claire and Kaydee showing up unannounced. It's important for her to honor her own comfort level and determine what feels right for her in this situation.

3. Communicate her feelings: Breanna can choose to express her feelings to Claire and Kaydee in a calm and assertive manner. She can let them know that their visit caught her off guard and caused her anxiety, and she may choose to address the hurtful actions from the past if she feels ready and comfortable doing so.

4. Seek support: It may be helpful for Breanna to reach out to a trusted adult, such as her parents or a counselor, to share her experiences and get guidance on how to navigate the situation. They can provide emotional support and help her make decisions that are in her best interest.

5. Consider professional help: If Breanna continues to struggle with anxiety, panic attacks, or the aftermath of her past experiences, she may want to consider seeking therapy or counseling. A mental health professional can provide a safe space for her to process her emotions and develop coping strategies for managing anxiety and any unresolved feelings.

Ultimately, Breanna's well-being should be her top priority. It is important for her to take the time she needs to process her emotions and choose the path that feels right for her in order to move forward in a healthy and healing way.


Breanna's heart sinks to her stomach, frog still logged in her throat, she must say something to Claire and Kaylee but she doesn't want to make a scene IN front of her family. What should she say?

In this situation, Breanna can consider using an assertive and calm approach to communicate her feelings to Claire and Kaydee. Here is a possible script she can use:

"Claire and Kaydee, I want to talk to you about something that has been on my mind. Your unexpected visit caught me off guard, and I need to express how it made me feel. The way you treated me in the past, especially with the hurtful comments and actions, had a lasting impact on me. It caused me a lot of pain and affected my self-esteem in a significant way. Seeing you now brings up a lot of unresolved emotions and anxiety for me."

"I would appreciate it if we could have a private conversation about this at another time, possibly without my family present. It's important for me to address this, but I want to make sure it's in a setting where I feel comfortable expressing myself honestly without causing a scene. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from and respect my need for privacy."

By using this approach, Breanna acknowledges her feelings, sets boundaries, and requests a separate conversation to address and resolve the issues in a more appropriate setting.

Claire and Kaylee leave. Breanna goes off to her room, exhausted. She flops on her bed and starts crying. Whenever Claire and Kaylee would cry she'd console them "Hey its okay! your going to be alright!" and hug them. Too bad they never did any of that for her. Whose in the wrong?

Why did Claire & Kaylee bully Breanna?