Which of these were reasons for Columbus’s first voyage from Spain? Select all that apply.

(1 point)

to find precious metals such as gold
to find precious metals such as gold - only 2 answers are allowed

to see if the world was flat or round
to see if the world was flat or round - only 2 answers are allowed

to find the fabled New World
to find the fabled New World - only 2 answers are allowed

to find an easier route to Asia
to find an easier route to Asia - only 2 answers are allowed
Only 2 answers are allowed.
Only 2 answers are allowed.

The correct answers are:

- to find the fabled New World
- to find an easier route to Asia

The reasons for Columbus's first voyage from Spain were:

- to find precious metals such as gold
- to find an easier route to Asia

The reasons for Columbus's first voyage from Spain were as follows:

- To find precious metals such as gold
- To find the fabled New World
- To find an easier route to Asia

Only two answers are allowed, so you would need to select any two of the options provided.