What is the short form used to illustrate a rhyme scheme?(1 point)


a series of capital letters
a series of capital letters

a list of line numbers
a list of line numbers

a set of special punctuation marks that show a pattern
a set of special punctuation marks that show a pattern

a brief description of how each line rhymes

a brief description of how each line rhymes

Which feature makes a narrative poem different from other poems?(1 point)


It offers a description or reflection.
It offers a description or reflection.

It uses stylistic techniques.
It uses stylistic techniques.

It uses figurative language.
It uses figurative language.

It tells a story.

It tells a story.

The short form used to illustrate a rhyme scheme is a series of capital letters.

The correct answer is "a series of capital letters." When analyzing the rhyme scheme of a poem or song, it is common to use a series of capital letters to represent the pattern of rhyming sounds. To determine the rhyme scheme, you will need to identify the last word in each line and assign a unique letter to represent each different sound. For example, if the first and second lines end in words that rhyme, they are both assigned the letter "A." If the third and fourth lines end in different rhyming words, they would be assigned the letters "B" and so on. By labeling each line with a unique letter, you can easily see the pattern and structure of the poem's rhyme scheme.