sam is 60 inches tall. jude is 3/4 of that hoow tall is jude show your work answer like a 12 year old

To find out how tall Jude is, we need to multiply Sam's height (60 inches) by 3/4.

First, we can convert 3/4 to a decimal by dividing 3 by 4, which equals 0.75.

Next, we multiply Sam's height (60 inches) by 0.75:

60 inches × 0.75 = 45 inches.

Therefore, Jude is 45 inches tall.

Hope this helps!

To find out how tall Jude is, we need to multiply Sam's height by 3/4. Sam's height is given as 60 inches.

Step 1: First, think about what 3/4 means. It means you divide something into four equal parts and then take three of those parts.

Step 2: To find 3/4 of 60 inches, we divide 60 by 4 and then multiply the result by 3.

Step 3: 60 divided by 4 is 15, and then we multiply this by 3.

Step 4: Now we do the math: 15 multiplied by 3 equals 45.

So, Jude would be 45 inches tall.

To find out how tall Jude is, we need to calculate 3/4 of Sam's height.

First, we need to figure out what 3/4 means.

Imagine dividing something into four equal parts. Now, if you take three of those parts, that's the same as having three out of four parts.

So, we need to take three out of four parts of Sam's height.

To calculate it, we multiply Sam's height, which is 60 inches, by 3/4.

To multiply fractions, we multiply the numerators (top numbers) and multiply the denominators (bottom numbers) separately.

So, we have 60 × (3/4).

Multiplying the numbers, we get 180/4.

To simplify this fraction, we divide both the numerator and the denominator by the same number until we cannot simplify anymore.

In this case, both numbers can be divided by 4.

180 divided by 4 is 45, and 4 divided by 4 is 1.

So, the simplified fraction is 45/1, which is equal to 45.

Therefore, Jude is 45 inches tall.