Analyze this sentence. "Crocker just nodded despairingly and settled in for the duration: by now, he knew that could be quite a stretch." (N.A., Illuminate)

Which option MOST effectively clarifies the similarities or differences in meaning between the terms "stretch" and "duration"?

(1 point)

Both are referring to a time frame.
Both are referring to a time frame.

Duration means an extended period, while stretch means a brief duration.
Duration means an extended period, while stretch means a brief duration.

Duration implies a challenging issue, whereas stretch implies an effortless one.
Duration implies a challenging issue, whereas stretch implies an effortless one.

Both allude to good emotions.

Both are referring to a time frame.

The option that MOST effectively clarifies the similarities or differences in meaning between the terms "stretch" and "duration" is:

Duration means an extended period, while stretch means a brief duration.

To analyze the sentence, we need to understand the meanings of the terms "stretch" and "duration" in the given context. To do this, we can look at the sentence and the surrounding context.

In the sentence, it says "Crocker just nodded despairingly and settled in for the duration: by now, he knew that could be quite a stretch." This suggests that "duration" and "stretch" are related to the same concept or experience.

To clarify the similarities or differences in meaning between the terms, we can consider the options provided:

Option 1: Both are referring to a time frame.
This option suggests that "stretch" and "duration" both refer to a time frame. However, it does not clarify any differences in meaning between the two terms.

Option 2: Duration means an extended period, while stretch means a brief duration.
This option offers a distinction between the two terms. It suggests that "duration" refers to an extended period of time, while "stretch" refers to a brief duration. This clarification provides a difference in meaning between the terms.

Option 3: Duration implies a challenging issue, whereas stretch implies an effortless one.
This option suggests that "duration" implies a challenging issue, while "stretch" implies an effortless one. However, this interpretation does not align with the given sentence and its context, which does not indicate any sense of challenge or effortlessness.

Option 4: Both allude to good emotions.
This option suggests that both "stretch" and "duration" allude to good emotions. However, this interpretation does not align with the given sentence and its context, as the sentence does not provide any information about emotions or positive experiences.

Based on the analysis, option 2, which states that the "duration" means an extended period while "stretch" means a brief duration, most effectively clarifies the similarities or differences in meaning between the terms "stretch" and "duration."