Using the rules for dividing signed numbers, what is the quotient when u divide 56 divide (-4) divide (-2)


The quotient is -7.

To divide signed numbers, follow these rules:

1. Divide the absolute values of the numbers.
2. If the signs of the divisor and dividend are the same, the quotient will be positive.
3. If the signs of the divisor and dividend are different, the quotient will be negative.

Let's apply these rules to the given problem: 56 ÷ (-4) ÷ (-2).

Step 1: Divide the absolute values of the numbers: |56| ÷ |4| ÷ |2| = 14 ÷ 2 = 7.

Step 2: The signs of the divisor (-4) and dividend (56) are different, so the quotient will be negative.

Therefore, the quotient when you divide 56 ÷ (-4) ÷ (-2) is -7.

To solve this division problem, follow these steps:

1. Start with the dividend: 56.
2. Divide the dividend by the first divisor: 56 ÷ (-4) = -14.
- In this step, we divide positive 56 by negative 4, which results in a negative quotient.
3. Now, take the quotient obtained in the previous step and divide it by the second divisor: -14 ÷ (-2) = 7.
- In this step, we divide negative 14 by negative 2, which results in a positive quotient.

Therefore, the quotient when you divide 56 by -4 by -2 is 7.