Choose the answer that best completes the statement.

Tornado Alley is located in the middle of the United States, extending from Texas up through the Dakotas.

The above statement is a(n) ________________.

The above statement is a(n) fact.

SmartArt can be used to create _________________ that highlight relationships between two items.

(1 point)

clip art images
clip art images

graphic organizers
graphic organizers



SmartArt can be used to create graphic organizers that highlight relationships between two items.

What ribbon contains the option to edit a font, including underlining?

(1 point)





The ribbon that contains the option to edit a font, including underlining, is the Home ribbon.


The above statement is a multiple-choice question. To find the correct answer, we should consider the information given and select the option that completes the statement accurately. In this case, the statement mentions that "Tornado Alley is located in the middle of the United States, extending from Texas up through the Dakotas." Therefore, we should choose the option that aligns with this description. Let's analyze the given options:

A) opinion - This is not the correct answer because the statement is presenting factual information about the location of Tornado Alley.

B) fact - This is a possibility, as the statement does present factual information. However, we should assess the other options to determine the best answer.

C) thesis statement - This is not the correct answer because a thesis statement generally provides an argument or a topic for discussion, which is not the case here.

D) topic sentence - This is a possibility as a topic sentence often introduces the main idea of a paragraph or passage, which is the case with the statement given.

Considering all the options, the answer that best completes the statement is D) topic sentence.

To arrive at this answer, it is important to understand the definitions and purposes of different types of sentences, such as opinions, facts, thesis statements, and topic sentences. By recognizing these differences and evaluating the information provided, we can select the most suitable option.