How is a summary different from a book review?(1 point)


A book review includes the opinions of others that have read the book, while a summary includes only the opinion of the person writing it.
A book review includes the opinions of others that have read the book, while a summary includes only the opinion of the person writing it.

A book review includes the most important details in the book, while a summary includes only the main ideas.
A book review includes the most important details in the book, while a summary includes only the main ideas.

A book review includes ideas in the writer's own words, while a summary copies quotations directly from the text.
A book review includes ideas in the writer's own words, while a summary copies quotations directly from the text.

A book review may include the opinions of the person writing the review, while a summary should not include opinions.

A book review may include the opinions of the person writing the review, while a summary should not include opinions.

A book review may include the opinions of the person writing the review, while a summary should not include opinions.

A book review and a summary are different in several ways.

Firstly, a book review includes the opinions of others that have read the book, while a summary includes only the main ideas or content without opinions. This means that a book review might include subjective viewpoints and perspectives from multiple readers, while a summary focuses on providing an objective overview of the book's main points.

Secondly, a book review includes the most important details in the book, whereas a summary focuses on condensing the main ideas of the book without providing excessive details. A summary aims to give a concise overview of the book's content, while a book review goes deeper into specific elements and aspects of the book.

Thirdly, a book review typically presents the ideas in the writer's own words, providing their own analysis, interpretations, and evaluations of the book. On the other hand, a summary primarily aims to encapsulate the main ideas of the book in a neutral and concise manner, without overly relying on the writer's own opinions or interpretations.

Lastly, while a book review may include the opinions of the person writing the review, a summary should not include opinions. A summary should remain objective and focused solely on conveying the main ideas or content of the book, without expressing personal viewpoints or judgments.

To differentiate between a summary and a book review, one should examine whether the piece contains personal opinions, focuses on important details or main ideas, uses the writer's own words or direct quotations, and whether opinions are included or excluded.