What is one way to increase a ski jumper’s potential energy?(1 point)


By using shorter skis
By using shorter skis

By using longer skis
By using longer skis

By lowering the height of the ski jump hill
By lowering the height of the ski jump hill

By raising the height of the ski jump hill

By raising the height of the ski jump hill

By raising the height of the ski jump hill

By raising the height of the ski jump hill.

To understand why raising the height of the ski jump hill increases a ski jumper's potential energy, we need to understand the concept of potential energy in the context of ski jumping.

Potential energy is the energy stored in an object due to its position or state. In the case of a ski jumper, potential energy is directly related to their height above the ground. The higher they are on the ski jump hill, the greater their potential energy.

When a ski jumper reaches the top of the hill, they have a maximum amount of potential energy. As they move down the hill and approach the takeoff point, this potential energy is converted into kinetic energy (the energy of motion) as they gain speed. So, in order to increase a ski jumper's potential energy, we need to increase their height at the starting point, which can be achieved by raising the height of the ski jump hill.

By increasing the height of the ski jump hill, we increase the initial potential energy of the ski jumper, providing them with more energy to convert into kinetic energy as they descend the hill and take off into their jump.