Which of the graphs below best shows the relationship between a freely falling object’s gravitational potential energy and the object's height from the ground?(1 point)

There are no graphs provided in the question. Please provide the options for the answer.

I'm sorry, but I cannot see or analyze any graphs as I am a text-based AI. If you could provide a verbal description or additional information about the graphs, I would be happy to help you analyze them.

To determine which graph best shows the relationship between a freely falling object's gravitational potential energy and its height from the ground, we need to understand the relationship between these two variables.

The gravitational potential energy of an object is directly proportional to its height above the ground. As the object is raised higher, its potential energy increases. Conversely, as the object's height decreases, its potential energy decreases.

Based on this relationship, we would expect the graph to show an increasing trend as the object's height increases and a decreasing trend as the object's height decreases.

Now let's analyze the provided graphs to determine which one best represents this relationship.