chemical energy for respiration is stored in the bonds of

is it oxygen and molecules, carbon dioxide molecules, glucose molecules, water molecules

The chemical energy for respiration is primarily stored in the bonds of glucose molecules.

why do organisms need to obtain energy via celluar respiration

to grow and reproduce, to break down ATP, to perform hlycolysis, to photosynthesize

Organisms need to obtain energy via cellular respiration for several reasons:

1. To grow and reproduce: Energy derived from cellular respiration is used for the synthesis of new molecules, such as proteins and nucleic acids, which are essential for growth and reproduction.

2. To break down ATP: ATP (adenosine triphosphate) is considered the energy currency of cells. Cellular respiration generates ATP, which can then be used for various cellular processes requiring energy, such as muscle contraction, active transport, and chemical synthesis.

3. To perform glycolysis: Glycolysis is the initial step of cellular respiration and provides energy for cells in the form of ATP. It is a metabolic pathway involved in breaking down glucose into smaller molecules, creating a source of energy for the cell.

4. To supplement or complement photosynthesis (for non-photosynthetic organisms): While photosynthetic organisms can convert light energy into chemical energy (glucose) through photosynthesis, non-photosynthetic organisms, such as animals, fungi, and many bacteria, rely on cellular respiration to obtain energy by breaking down glucose or other organic molecules.

Overall, cellular respiration is crucial for organisms to obtain energy necessary for their growth, reproduction, and various cellular processes.

out of the answers i provided which one is correct

Among the options you provided, the correct answer is "to break down ATP." Organisms need to obtain energy via cellular respiration to break down ATP and use the released energy for various cellular processes.

which statment best describes energy release in cellular respiration

is it stored chemical energy is broken down and released in the cytoplasm, stored chemical energy can be used immediatly and is released in the cytoplasm, stored chemical energy is broken down and released in the mitochondria, stored chemical energy can be used immeditly and is released in the mitochondria

The statement that best describes energy release in cellular respiration is: "Stored chemical energy is broken down and released in the mitochondria." Cellular respiration occurs in the mitochondria of cells, where glucose and other molecules are broken down to release stored energy in the form of ATP. This is where the majority of ATP synthesis occurs, making the mitochondria the primary site for energy release in cellular respiration.

what is the equation for cellular respiration

which one is first is it carbon dioxide then water then energy then glucose then oxygen

The equation for cellular respiration is typically shown as:

Glucose + Oxygen -> Carbon Dioxide + Water + Energy

In this equation, glucose is combined with oxygen to produce carbon dioxide, water, and energy. The process releases energy in the form of ATP, which is used for various cellular activities.

glycolysis breaks glucose into

is it four smaller molecules, two smaller molecules, five smaller molecules, three smaller molecules