What term describes the study of the chemistry and physics of the structure of the body and how these processes work together to form a living organism?


a) kinesiology

b) biomechanics

c) physiology

d) anatomy

c) physiology

d) anatomy

The correct term that describes the study of the chemistry and physics of the structure of the body and how these processes work together to form a living organism is c) physiology.

Physiology is the scientific discipline that deals with the functions and mechanisms of living organisms. It focuses on understanding how different systems, such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, and nervous systems, work together to maintain the body's homeostasis and respond to various stimuli.

To arrive at this answer, you first needed to understand the definitions of each option. By eliminating options that clearly do not address the study of the chemistry and physics of the body, such as a) kinesiology (the study of body movements) and b) biomechanics (the study of the mechanical principles of living organisms), you can narrow down the choices to c) physiology and d) anatomy.

Then, you must differentiate between the two remaining options. Anatomy primarily studies the structure and organization of body parts, including organs, tissues, and cells, whereas physiology emphasizes how these parts function and interact within the body.

Therefore, the correct answer is c) physiology, as it specifically deals with the chemistry and physics of the structure of the body and how these processes work together in a living organism.