We hold these truths to be self evident that all men are created, equal that they are endowed by their Creator, with certain on Ellen Nebo rights, that among these are life liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, which document contains this passage

This passage is found in the Declaration of Independence.

The passage you are referring to is from the Declaration of Independence.

The passage you are referring to is from the United States Declaration of Independence. It is one of the most famous statements in American history and is found in the second paragraph of the document.

To find this information, one option is to search for the text itself using an internet search engine, such as Google. You can type in keywords like "famous passage about all men are created equal and endowed by their Creator," or simply "United States Declaration of Independence." This will likely lead you to official governmental websites, educational institutions, or other reliable sources that contain the text of the declaration.

Another way to access this information is by using specific online resources, such as government websites, historical archives, or virtual libraries. These sources often provide the complete text of important historical documents, including the United States Declaration of Independence.

If you prefer a tangible reference, you can consult books or publications that focus on American history or political science. Many textbooks or anthologies contain the full text of the declaration, along with other founding documents.

Overall, whether you are using online sources, digital archives, or physical references, it is essential to verify the reliability of the information by cross-referencing with established and authoritative sources.