Jarvis wants to translate rectangle ABDC

horizontally by −4
and vertically by +3 to produce rectangle A′B′D′C′
. What will be the coordinates of C′
after Jarvis completes this translation?

(1 point)

To translate a point horizontally by -4, we subtract 4 from the x-coordinate. To translate a point vertically by +3, we add 3 to the y-coordinate.

The coordinates of C' after the translation will be:

x-coordinate of C' = x-coordinate of C - 4

y-coordinate of C' = y-coordinate of C + 3

To translate a point horizontally by -4 and vertically by +3, you need to subtract 4 from the x-coordinate and add 3 to the y-coordinate.

Let's assume the original coordinates of point C are (x, y). After translation, the new coordinates of point C' will be:

x' = x - 4
y' = y + 3

Therefore, the coordinates of point C' will be (x - 4, y + 3).

To find the coordinates of C' after the translation, we need to apply the horizontal and vertical shifts to the coordinates of point C.

Let's first determine the original coordinates of point C in rectangle ABDC. We'll assume that the coordinates of point A are (x1, y1), and the coordinates of point C are (x2, y2).

Assuming we have the coordinates of A and B, the coordinates of C can be determined using the following formulas:

x2 = x1 + width of the rectangle
y2 = y1 + height of the rectangle

Now, let's apply the translation to the coordinates of C.

To translate horizontally by -4, we subtract 4 from the x-coordinate of C:
x2' = x2 - 4

To translate vertically by +3, we add 3 to the y-coordinate of C:
y2' = y2 + 3

Therefore, the coordinates of C' after the translation are (x2', y2').