Which pronouns correctly complete the sentences? Select the correct answer from the list.

Will, ____ we met yesterday is going to groom our dog.

A. Who B. Whom

____ was he again I don’t remember meeting anyone.

A. Who B. Whom

A. Who

A. Who

Which word correctly completes the sentence? Select the correct answer from the list.

____ house are we going to after the game.

A. Who

B. Who’s

C. Whom

D. Whose

D. Whose

Which word correctly completes the sentence? Select the correct answer from the list.

The movie ____ was over two hours long, was not as interesting as I thought it would be.

A. Which

B. That

C. Who

D. Whom

A. Which

Which word correctly completes the sentence? Select the correct answer from the list.

Our garage, ____ has rust spots, needs to be painted.

A. That B. Which

The people next door painted their garage a bright yellow color ____ we like very much.

A. That B. Which

B. Which

B. Which