at is one way to increase a ski jumper’s potential energy?(1 point)


By using longer skis
By using longer skis

By lowering the height of the ski jump hill
By lowering the height of the ski jump hill

By raising the height of the ski jump hill
By raising the height of the ski jump hill

By using shorter skis

By raising the height of the ski jump hill

By raising the height of the ski jump hill

To increase a ski jumper's potential energy, one way is by raising the height of the ski jump hill. Potential energy is directly related to the height of an object above the ground. By increasing the height of the ski jump hill, the ski jumper will start at a higher position, thus increasing their potential energy. This can be achieved by building a higher hill or increasing the height of the existing one. Remember, potential energy is given by the equation PE = mgh, where m is the mass of the object (in this case, the ski jumper), g is the acceleration due to gravity, and h is the height above the reference level (the ground).