In which two areas would this artwork be best critiqued?

(1 point)

use of color and historical record
use of color and historical record

historical record and utilitarian use
historical record and utilitarian use

utilitarian use and skill used to create the work
utilitarian use and skill used to create the work

skill used to create the work and aesthetics
skill used to create the work and aesthetics

The two areas in which this artwork would be best critiqued are skill used to create the work and aesthetics.


How is graffiti typically used as an art form?
(1 point)

Walls are painted to blend in with the surroundings.
Walls are painted to blend in with the surroundings.

History is recorded in an open minded way.
History is recorded in an open minded way.

Individuals express their social and political opinions.
Individuals express their social and political opinions.

Utilitarian art is created in two dimensions.
Utilitarian art is created in two dimensions.

Graffiti is typically used as an art form for individuals to express their social and political opinions.


The artist most likely used this piece to
(1 point)

communicate feelings.
communicate feelings.

communicate heritage.
communicate heritage.

communicate political views.
communicate political views.

communicate ideas for products.
communicate ideas for products.

The artist most likely used this piece to communicate feelings.

Which of the following would be most appropriate when critiquing this piece?

(1 point)

Describe the artist’s use of oil pastels to create warm colors.
Describe the artist’s use of oil pastels to create warm colors.

Analyze the realistic portrayal of an object.
Analyze the realistic portrayal of an object.

Interpret the historical meaning of the piece.
Interpret the historical meaning of the piece.

Judge the creative expression of the piece.
Judge the creative expression of the piece.

The most appropriate choice when critiquing this piece would be to describe the artist's use of oil pastels to create warm colors.