The Wonderful World of Synthetic Chemistry The Dangerous World of Synthetic Chemistry

Synthetic products are made from natural resources.
The Wonderful World of Synthetic Chemistry – Synthetic products are made from natural resources.
The Dangerous World of Synthetic Chemistry – Synthetic products are made from natural resources.
Synthetic products can be useful and can even save lives.
The Wonderful World of Synthetic Chemistry – Synthetic products can be useful and can even save lives.
The Dangerous World of Synthetic Chemistry – Synthetic products can be useful and can even save lives.
Synthetic products can be toxic for people and the planet.
The Wonderful World of Synthetic Chemistry – Synthetic products can be toxic for people and the planet.
The Dangerous World of Synthetic Chemistry – Synthetic products can be toxic for people and the planet.
People should avoid using synthetic products whenever possible.
The Wonderful World of Synthetic Chemistry – People should avoid using synthetic products whenever possible.

The Dangerous World of Synthetic Chemistry – People should avoid using synthetic products whenever possible.

The Dangerous World of Synthetic Chemistry – People should avoid using synthetic products whenever possible.

To determine the answer to this question, one can evaluate the information provided in each statement and analyze the different perspectives presented in "The Wonderful World of Synthetic Chemistry" and "The Dangerous World of Synthetic Chemistry."

In the statement, "Synthetic products are made from natural resources," both perspectives agree on this point.

In the statement, "Synthetic products can be useful and can even save lives," both perspectives also agree on this point.

In the statement, "Synthetic products can be toxic for people and the planet," both perspectives also agree on this point.

However, in the statement, "People should avoid using synthetic products whenever possible," there is a difference in opinion between the two perspectives.

According to "The Wonderful World of Synthetic Chemistry," people should avoid using synthetic products whenever possible. On the other hand, according to "The Dangerous World of Synthetic Chemistry," there is no specific mention of people avoiding synthetic products.

Therefore, based on the given information, "The Wonderful World of Synthetic Chemistry" claims that people should avoid using synthetic products whenever possible.