Which of the following gives an accurate assessment of a place with low GDP per capita, short life span, and high birth rate?

This is probably a poor country where it is difficult to survive

This is a likely very large place in an area that is also very rural

This is likely a wealthy place with a balanced ratio between genders

This is likely a low population place that will have future population growth

This is probably a poor country where it is difficult to survive.

The total wealth of the place divided by the total population.

A period in which a society moves from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates.

Birth rate.

What is the formula for determining the GDP per capita of a place?

The average life span in a place divided by its birth rate

Male population of a place divided by its total population

The total population of a place divided by its land area

The total wealth of the place divided by the total population

Which of the following describes demographic transition?

A graphical representation of the population by age and sex

A period in which a society moves from high birth and death rates to low birth and death rates

The total number of live births per 1,000 population at a given time

A statistical measure of the average number of years a person is expected to live

Which of the following is an example of demographic factor that is commonly used to examine change in total population over time

Industrial revolution


Birth rate

Population prymaid

Thank you, these are all correct!

The correct choice among the given options is:

"This is probably a poor country where it is difficult to survive."

To arrive at this answer, let's analyze the criteria provided:

1. Low GDP per capita: GDP per capita is a measure of the economic well-being of individuals within a country. A low GDP per capita indicates a lack of economic prosperity.

2. Short life span: A short life span suggests inadequate access to healthcare, sanitation, and other basic services, which are often associated with lower levels of development.

3. High birth rate: A high birth rate implies that the population is growing rapidly, which tends to be indicative of developing countries where birth rates are typically higher compared to developed nations.

Considering these factors, it is logical to assume that the place described has low living standards, limited resources, and is likely struggling with poverty. Hence, choice A - "This is probably a poor country where it is difficult to survive" - accurately assesses the situation.