I. Marble Roll Lab Data Collection:

Mass (g)
Distance carton moved (cm)
Marble #1

Marble #2

Marble #3

Unfortunately, you have not provided any data for the mass and distance moved for each marble. Please provide the necessary information so that I can assist you further.

To collect data for the Marble Roll Lab, you need to record the mass of each marble and the distance the carton moved for each marble. Please fill in the respective columns with the data:

Marble | Mass (g) | Distance carton moved (cm)
Marble #1 | |
Marble #2 | |
Marble #3 | |

To collect data for the Marble Roll Lab, you need to measure the mass of each marble and the distance the carton moves when the marble is rolled. Here's how you can collect the data:

1. Mass Measurement:
Take each marble and measure its mass using a scale. Make sure the scale is properly zeroed, then place the marble on the scale and record its mass in grams (g). Repeat this process for all the marbles, labeling each measurement with the corresponding marble number.

2. Distance Measurement:
Place the carton on a flat surface, such as a table, and create a starting point for the carton. Choose a starting point and measure the distance from it to where the carton stops or comes to a rest after the marble is rolled.

Take Marble #1 and roll it from the starting point. Measure the distance the carton moves and record it in centimeters (cm) for Marble #1. Repeat this process for Marble #2 and Marble #3, recording the distance each time.

Make sure to measure carefully and accurately to get reliable results. Also, ensure that all measurements are labeled correctly for each marble to avoid confusion later on.