question 1) Climate is a description of the long-term weather in one place. Climate is a result of a complex system of many different interconnected parts.


question 2
Radiation from the sun heats Earth’s surface. Due to the tilt of Earth on its axis and the shape of Earth, the sun heats Earth unevenly. Areas near the equator receive a lot more thermal energy than areas north or south of the equator. Land heats up more quickly, but water holds the energy for longer.(2 points)

Question 3
The Coriolis effect causes the convection currents in the atmosphere to turn to the right in the northern hemisphere. Air dragging on the surface of the ocean water tugs on the surface waters, creating ocean currents. Ocean currents that move to higher latitudes bring warm water from near the equator to cooler regions. Ocean currents that move from polar latitudes to lower latitudes bring cooler water to warmer regions. The temperature of ocean surface waters also affects the temperature of the air above them.(2 points)


Question 4
A lego model is a computer simulation predicting weather patterns and resulting climate tendencies. The computer makes it possible to change one or more factors affecting climate.(2 points)


Question 5
Cell models help scientists predict how Earth’s climates may change. And everyone agrees that the models are a great tool.(2 points)


question 1: True

question 2: True
question 3: True
question 4: False
question 5: False

You're welcome! If you have any more questions, feel free to ask.


Question 1: True

Question 2: True

Question 3: True

Question 4: False

Question 5: False

Question 1:

The statement is true. Climate is indeed a description of the long-term weather in one place, and it is a result of a complex system of interconnected parts.

Question 2:
The statement is true. Radiation from the sun does heat Earth's surface, and due to the tilt of Earth on its axis and its shape, the sun heats Earth unevenly. Areas near the equator receive more thermal energy compared to areas north or south of the equator. Additionally, land heats up more quickly than water, but water holds the energy for longer.

Question 3:
The statement is true. The Coriolis effect does cause convection currents in the atmosphere to turn to the right in the northern hemisphere. Air dragging on the surface of ocean waters does create ocean currents. Ocean currents that move to higher latitudes bring warm water from near the equator to cooler regions, while ocean currents that move from polar latitudes to lower latitudes bring cooler water to warmer regions. The temperature of ocean surface waters also affects the temperature of the air above them.

Question 4:
The statement is false. A lego model is not a computer simulation predicting weather patterns and resulting climate tendencies. Instead, computer models or simulations are used to predict climate by considering and manipulating various factors that affect it.

Question 5:
The statement is false. Not everyone agrees that cell models are a great tool for predicting how Earth's climates may change. Scientific opinions may vary, and while some scientists find cell models helpful, others may have different perspectives on their effectiveness.