If the temperature dropped by 42 degrees over 7 hours, how much did the temperature change per hour?


To find how much the temperature changed per hour, we need to divide the total change in temperature (42 degrees) by the number of hours (7).

42 degrees / 7 hours = 6 degrees per hour.

So, the temperature changed by 6 degrees per hour. Therefore, the correct answer is -6.

To find the temperature change per hour, we can divide the total temperature drop of 42 degrees by the total number of hours, which is 7.

Temperature change per hour = Total temperature drop / Total number of hours

Temperature change per hour = 42 degrees / 7 hours

Temperature change per hour = 6 degrees

Therefore, the temperature changed by 6 degrees per hour.

So, the correct answer is -6.

To find the temperature change per hour, you can divide the total temperature change by the number of hours.

In this case, the temperature dropped by 42 degrees over 7 hours. To find the temperature change per hour, you can divide 42 by 7:

42 degrees / 7 hours = 6 degrees per hour

So, the temperature changed by 6 degrees per hour. Therefore, the correct answer is -6.