How did the Mayflower Compact represent a “government by consent”?

(1 point)

The Pilgrims agreed to set up their own government.
The Pilgrims agreed to set up their own government.

The Pilgrims chose a governor and law-making body.
The Pilgrims chose a governor and law-making body.

The Pilgrims agreed to be governed by a town council.
The Pilgrims agreed to be governed by a town council.

The Pilgrims elected people to represent them in the law-making process.

The Pilgrims agreed to set up their own government.

How do the laws established by the Puritans affect South Carolina today?

(1 point)

South Carolina has a form of blue laws.
South Carolina has a form of blue laws.

South Carolina does not permit people to work on Sunday.
South Carolina does not permit people to work on Sunday.

South Carolina has laws that are favorable to only one church.
South Carolina has laws that are favorable to only one church.

South Carolina financially supports certain religious denominations.

South Carolina has laws that are favorable to only one church.

Sometimes Puritans did not practice what they preached. Which statement describes a Puritan belief that they did not practice?

(1 point)

The Puritans believed in religious freedom.
The Puritans believed in religious freedom.

The Puritans believed in separation of church and state.
The Puritans believed in separation of church and state.

The Puritans believed that work on Sunday should be restricted.
The Puritans believed that work on Sunday should be restricted.

The Puritans believed people should be harshly punished for disobeying their laws.
The Puritans believed people should be harshly punished for disobeying their laws.

The Puritans believed in religious freedom.

The correct answer is:

The Pilgrims elected people to represent them in the law-making process.

The Mayflower Compact represented a "government by consent" because the Pilgrims, who were onboard the Mayflower ship, elected individuals to represent them in making laws and decisions for the colony. This process ensured that the government was based on the consent of the governed, as the representatives were chosen by the people themselves.

The correct answer is: The Pilgrims agreed to set up their own government.

Explanation: The Mayflower Compact was signed by the Pilgrims on November 11, 1620, before they disembarked from the Mayflower ship. It was a written agreement that established a basic form of self-government for the Plymouth Colony.

The Pilgrims, who were seeking religious freedom, recognized that in order to maintain order and establish a unified community, they needed to create their own government. This demonstrated a "government by consent" as the Pilgrims agreed collectively to set up their own system of governance.

While the other options are elements of the Mayflower Compact, such as choosing a governor, a law-making body, and a town council, these choices alone do not fully represent the concept of "government by consent." The key idea behind the Mayflower Compact is that the Pilgrims all agreed to establish their own government, hence making it a government by consent.