Lani and her family went to Bandung by bus. The distance from Jakarta to Bandung is 130 km. The bus has covered a distance of 50,000 m from Jakarta to Bandung. How many km does the bus have to travel?

The bus has covered a distance of 50,000 m, which is equal to 50 km (1 km = 1000 m). Subtracting this distance from the total distance from Jakarta to Bandung (130 km), we find that the bus still needs to travel 130 km - 50 km = <<130-50=80>>80 km. Answer: \boxed{80}.

To find out how many kilometers the bus has to travel, we need to convert the distance covered from meters to kilometers.

Distance covered = 50,000 meters

To convert meters to kilometers, we divide the distance by 1,000.

50,000 meters ÷ 1,000 = 50 kilometers

Therefore, the bus has to travel 50 kilometers.

To find out how many kilometers the bus has to travel, we need to convert the given distance from meters to kilometers.

Distance from Jakarta to Bandung = 130 km
Bus has covered a distance of 50,000 m

To convert meters to kilometers, we need to divide the distance in meters by 1000.

50,000 m ÷ 1000 = 50 km

Since the bus has covered a distance of 50 km, we subtract that from the total distance from Jakarta to Bandung.

130 km - 50 km = 80 km

Therefore, the bus still has to travel 80 km to reach Bandung.