Bursa and Vernon are competing in a driving up edition Bertha ended up diving ended up -30 m from the starting platform for Virlan Dad negative and a -6 m from the starting five for how many times farther was the was the end of birthday in German die, then Vernon die dive

To find out how many times farther Bertha dived compared to Vernon, we need to calculate the difference between their final positions.

The distance from the starting platform for Bertha's dive is -30 m, and for Vernon's dive, it is -6 m.

To find the difference, we subtract Vernon's position from Bertha's position: -30 m - (-6 m) = -30 m + 6 m = -24 m.

So, Bertha's dive was 24 meters farther from the starting point than Vernon's dive.

To find how many times farther Bertha dived compared to Vernon, we divide the distance of Bertha's dive by the distance of Vernon's dive: 24 m / 6 m = 4.

Therefore, Bertha dived 4 times farther than Vernon.

To compare the distances between Bursa's and Vernon's dives, we need to find the absolute value of their respective distances from the starting platform.

Bursa's dive ended up -30 m from the starting platform, so the absolute value of that distance is |-30| = 30 m.

Vernon's dive ended up -6 m from the starting platform, so the absolute value of that distance is |-6| = 6 m.

So, Bursa's dive was 30 m from the starting platform, while Vernon's dive was 6 m.

To calculate the difference in distance, we subtract Vernon's distance from Bursa's distance: 30 m - 6 m = 24 m.

Therefore, the end of Bertha's dive was 24 m farther from the starting platform compared to Vernon's dive.

To determine how many times farther Bertha ended up from the starting platform compared to Vernon, we need to calculate the difference between their distances from the starting point.

The distance Bertha ended up from the starting platform is given as -30 m, and the distance Vernon ended up from the starting platform is given as -6 m.

To find the difference, we subtract the distance Vernon ended up from the distance Bertha ended up:

-30 m - (-6 m) = -30 m + 6 m = -24 m

Since we have a negative distance, it means that Bertha ended up farther from the starting platform in the negative direction compared to Vernon.

To compare the distances in terms of absolute value (ignoring the negative sign), we take the absolute value of -24 m:

|-24 m| = 24 m

Therefore, Bertha ended up 24 meters farther in the negative direction compared to Vernon.