Connect the changing role of women during World War I to the international movement for women's suffrage (1 point)

A.During Wond Wart women gained more power if the wondforce and played a key role in the war effort. This allowed them to successfully push for the right to vote in many countries

B.During World War 1 women gained the right to vote. This led directly to more power in the worce

C.During Wond War 1 women gained more power in the wondorce and played a key role in the war effort. This allowed them to successtuly push for the night to vote in the United States but nowhere else

D. During Wond War 1 women gained more power in the workforce and played a key role in the war effort Sady this did not allow them to successfully push for me night to vote in many courmes

A. During World War I, women gained more power in the workforce and played a key role in the war effort. This allowed them to successfully push for the right to vote in many countries.

A. During World War I, women gained more power in the workforce and played a key role in the war effort. This allowed them to successfully push for the right to vote in many countries.

The correct answer is A. During World War I, women gained more power in the workforce and played a key role in the war effort. This allowed them to successfully push for the right to vote in many countries.

To arrive at this answer, we need to consider the historical context of World War I and the women's suffrage movement. During the war, men were enlisted in large numbers, leaving job vacancies in various industries. This led to an increased demand for female workers in areas such as factories, offices, and hospitals.

With women taking on previously male-dominated roles and proving their capabilities, their contributions to the war effort became apparent. This newfound involvement and responsibility granted many women a sense of empowerment, while also challenging traditional gender roles and expectations.

Women's efforts during the war served as a catalyst for the women's suffrage movement. The war brought attention to the capabilities and contributions of women, prompting advocates for women's rights to leverage this newfound recognition to push for equal political representation. This was especially evident in countries like the United Kingdom, where women's suffrage was achieved in 1918, and the United States, where the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote was ratified in 1920.

Therefore, by connecting the changing role of women during World War I to the international movement for women's suffrage, we can understand how their increased power in the workforce and significant contributions during the war helped pave the way for achieving the right to vote in many countries.