Evaluate the following population statistics to choose the one to best determine where to post advertisements for a job fair.(1 point)




unemployment rates
unemployment rates


1. unemployment rates

2. how many goods and services it produces in a year
3. It doesn’t account for income distribution.
4. Canada and the U.S. have significantly higher scores than the rest of the countries
5. This proximity can lead to brain drain, as the most talented people move to the higher HDI countries.

These are the correct answers

To determine where to post advertisements for a job fair, the most relevant population statistic to evaluate would be the unemployment rates. This statistic provides insight into the number of people in a given area who are actively looking for job opportunities, making it an effective way to target individuals who may be interested in attending a job fair. The income and education statistics, while important, do not directly reflect the current job-seeking status of the population. Additionally, the population size alone does not indicate the level of interest in job opportunities.

what the answer

The answer is "unemployment rates."

What conclusion can you draw about a country on the basis of its gross domestic product (GDP)?(1 point)


how long its people can expect to live on average
how long its people can expect to live on average

how much purchasing power the average citizen has
how much purchasing power the average citizen has

how high a quality of life its people enjoy
how high a quality of life its people enjoy

how many goods and services it produces in a year

On the basis of its gross domestic product (GDP), you can draw the conclusion about how many goods and services a country produces in a year. The GDP quantifies the total value of all goods and services produced within a country's borders in a specific time period, typically a year. It provides an indication of the economic productivity and output of a country. While the GDP can indirectly influence factors such as purchasing power and quality of life, it directly measures the production of goods and services within an economy.

what the answer

The answer is "how many goods and services it produces in a year."

Identify a limitation of using gross domestic product (GDP) as a measure for development.(1 point)


It doesn’t account for income distribution.
It doesn’t account for income distribution.

It overemphasizes environmental sustainability.
It overemphasizes environmental sustainability.

It overemphasizes health indictors such as life expectancy.
It overemphasizes health indictors such as life expectancy.

It doesn’t account for the value of services in the economy.
It doesn’t account for the value of services in the economy.

A limitation of using gross domestic product (GDP) as a measure for development is that it doesn't account for income distribution. GDP focuses on the total value of goods and services produced in an economy, but it does not provide insight into how income and wealth are distributed among the population. This means that even if a country has a high GDP, it doesn't necessarily guarantee equitable distribution of income among its citizens. Therefore, relying solely on GDP may overlook the disparities and inequalities within a society.