A football player gets tackled during the game, which of the following body systems is responsible for protecting their organs?(1 point)


skeletal system
skeletal system

reproductive system
reproductive system

nervous system
nervous system

circulatory system

circulatory system

The correct answer is the skeletal system. The skeletal system provides structure and support to the body and protects vital organs such as the heart, lungs, and brain. When a football player gets tackled, the skeletal system absorbs the impact and helps to prevent damage to the organs.

The correct answer is the skeletal system. The skeletal system is responsible for protecting the organs of the body, including the organs in the chest and abdominal cavity. It consists of the bones, cartilage, and ligaments, which form a framework that surrounds and supports the organs. When a football player gets tackled, the bones and other structures of the skeletal system provide a protective barrier for the vital organs, reducing the risk of injury.