Use four 4's and arrive at the answer 4

4 + 4 - 4 + 4 = 8

8 / 4 = 2
2 + 2 = 4

To use four 4's and arrive at the answer 4, you can follow these steps:

1. Starting with the number 4, divide it by itself: 4/4 = 1.
2. Add another 4 to the previous result: 1 + 4 = 5.
3. Subtract another 4 from the previous result: 5 - 4 = 1.
4. Divide the previous result by the last 4: 1 / 4 = 0.25.
5. Multiply the previous result by the last 4: 0.25 * 4 = 1.

Using these steps, you can arrive at the answer 4 using four 4's.

To use four 4's and arrive at the answer 4, you can make use of mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and exponentiation. Here's one way to achieve this:

1. Start with 4 divided by 4, which equals 1.
2. Add another 4 to the result: 1 + 4 = 5.
3. Subtract 4 from the previous result: 5 - 4 = 1.
4. Multiply the result by 4: 1 * 4 = 4.

By using four 4's and following these steps, you can arrive at the answer 4.