What is a quotient when you divide -2 and 3/5 by 4/5

To find the quotient, you need to divide -2 and 3/5 by 4/5.

Dividing -2 by 4/5:
-2 divided by 4/5 is the same as multiplying -2 by the reciprocal of 4/5.
Reciprocal of 4/5 is 5/4.
So, -2 divided by 4/5 is -2 * 5/4 = -10/4 = -5/2.

Dividing 3/5 by 4/5:
3/5 divided by 4/5 is the same as multiplying 3/5 by the reciprocal of 4/5.
Reciprocal of 4/5 is 5/4.
So, 3/5 divided by 4/5 is 3/5 * 5/4 = 15/20 = 3/4.

Therefore, the quotients are -5/2 and 3/4 when dividing -2 and 3/5 by 4/5.

To find the quotient when you divide -2 and 3/5 by 4/5, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Convert the mixed number -2 and 3/5 to an improper fraction.
- Multiply the whole number (-2) by the denominator (5): -2 × 5 = -10.
- Add the result to the numerator (3): -10 + 3 = -7.
- Write the sum (-7) as the numerator and keep the denominator (5): -7/5.

Step 2: Divide the obtained improper fraction (-7/5) by the second fraction (4/5).
- When you divide fractions, you multiply the first fraction by the reciprocal (flipped version) of the second fraction.
- Multiplying -7/5 by the reciprocal of 4/5:
- Multiply the numerators together: -7 × 5 = -35.
- Multiply the denominators together: 5 × 4 = 20.
- Therefore, the result of -7/5 divided by 4/5 is -35/20 or simplified, -7/4.

So, the quotient when you divide -2 and 3/5 by 4/5 is -7/4.

To find the quotient when you divide -2 and 3/5 by 4/5, you need to divide the first number by the second number.

Step 1: Convert the mixed number -2 and 3/5 to an improper fraction.
To do this, multiply the whole number (-2) by the denominator (5) and add the numerator (3):
-2 * 5 + 3 = -10 + 3 = -7

So, -2 and 3/5 can be written as an improper fraction: -7/5.

Step 2: Divide -7/5 by 4/5.
To divide fractions, multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.

So, divide -7/5 by 4/5:
-7/5 ÷ 4/5 = (-7/5) × (5/4)

Step 3: Simplify the expression.
Multiply the numerators: -7 × 5 = -35.
Multiply the denominators: 5 × 4 = 20.

So, -7/5 ÷ 4/5 = -35/20.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction.
To simplify the fraction, find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, and divide both by it.

The GCD of 35 and 20 is 5.
Divide the numerator (-35) and denominator (20) by 5:
(-35 ÷ 5) / (20 ÷ 5) = -7/4.

Therefore, the quotient when you divide -2 and 3/5 by 4/5 is -7/4.