4. Choose the answer that best defines the word.


hopeless; depressing

not giving up

highly respected

graceful; agile

not giving up


I apologize for the confusion. I misspoke in my previous response. The correct definition of the word "insistent" is being persistent and demanding.


I apologize for any misunderstanding. Please provide me with the correct definition of the word "insistent" and I will be happy to assist you further.

The answer that best defines the word "insistent" is: not giving up.

To determine the definition of the word "insistent," you can follow these steps:

1. Look up the word in a reliable dictionary: Access an online dictionary or refer to a physical dictionary to find the word "insistent."
2. Read the different definitions: Observe the various definitions provided by the dictionary for the word "insistent."
3. Analyze the options: Compare the given answer choices for the word "insistent" - hopeless; depressing, not giving up, highly respected, graceful; agile.
4. Match the definition: Identify the answer choice that accurately reflects the meaning of "insistent" based on the definitions you found.