3. Choose the answer that best matches the word in italics.

Mrs. Gonzales *reiterated* the directions to the class.







I'm sorry for the confusion. The correct answer is "repeated."

The best match for the word "reiterated" is "repeated".

To determine the answer, we need to understand the meaning of the word "reiterated" in the given sentence.

To start, let's break down the sentence: "Mrs. Gonzales *reiterated* the directions to the class."

In this context, "reiterated" is used as a verb, describing what Mrs. Gonzales did to the directions. To understand its meaning, we need to look for clues within the sentence.

The sentence tells us that Mrs. Gonzales "reiterated" the directions, which means she did something to them. To figure out what she did, we can look at the other options:

- Stated: This means she simply said or expressed the directions. However, the word "reiterated" suggests more than just stating.
- Repeated: This aligns with the word "reiterated." When we repeat something, we say it again, emphasizing its importance. This seems like a good match.
- Retracted: This means she took back or withdrew the directions, which doesn't match the context. Mrs. Gonzales is reinforcing or emphasizing the directions, not taking them back.
- Yelled: This suggests that she shouted the directions, but "reiterated" does not necessarily imply yelling. It's more about repeating or emphasizing rather than raising the volume.

Given the information above, the answer that best matches the word in italics is "repeated." This choice aligns with the idea of emphasizing or stating something again.