Information from the map could be used to support which of the following opinions about Spanish exploration of the New World?(1 point)


Exploration of Texas helped Spain completely eliminate British and French competition for land in the New World.
Exploration of Texas helped Spain completely eliminate British and French competition for land in the New World.

All three reasons for European exploration—God, gold, and glory—were equal motivations for Spain to explore Texas.
All three reasons for European exploration—God, gold, and glory—were equal motivations for Spain to explore Texas.

Exploration of

Texas was primarily motivated by the desire for glory and to spread Christianity, rather than the pursuit of wealth and land.

Exploration of Texas was primarily motivated by the desire for glory and to spread Christianity, rather than the pursuit of wealth and land.

Information from the map could be used to support which of the following opinions about Spanish exploration of the New World?(1 point)


Exploration of Texas helped Spain completely eliminate British and French competition for land in the New World.
Exploration of Texas helped Spain completely eliminate British and French competition for land in the New World.

All three reasons for European exploration—God, gold, and glory—were equal motivations for Spain to explore Texas.
All three reasons for European exploration—God, gold, and glory—were equal motivations for Spain to explore Texas.

Exploration of

Texas was primarily motivated by the desire for glory and to spread Christianity, rather than the pursuit of wealth and land.

Exploration of Texas was primarily motivated by the desire for glory and to spread Christianity, rather than the pursuit of wealth and land.


I apologize for the incorrect response. Based on the information from the map, it would support the opinion that exploration of Texas helped Spain completely eliminate British and French competition for land in the New World.


To determine which of the given opinions about Spanish exploration of the New World could be supported by information from a map, we need to consider the type of information that a map can provide. Maps can display geographic features, territories, routes, and other relevant information.

Let's analyze each opinion and see if the map can provide information to support it:

1. "Exploration of Texas helped Spain completely eliminate British and French competition for land in the New World."
To determine if the map supports this opinion, we would need to see evidence of Spanish presence in Texas that eliminated British and French competition. The map could show Spanish territories in Texas and the absence of British and French territories.

2. "All three reasons for European exploration—God, gold, and glory—were equal motivations for Spain to explore Texas."
A map alone may not provide direct evidence of the motivations behind exploration. It is unlikely to show Spain's motivations based on religious, economic, and imperialistic factors.

Based on the information about the map's limitations, we can conclude that the map might support the opinion that "Exploration of Texas helped Spain completely eliminate British and French competition for land in the New World." This is because the map could potentially show Spanish territories in Texas and the absence of British and French territories.