Which pair of numbers shows the second number is an estimation of the first?(1 point)

0.00345; 0.004

0.00345; 0.003

345; 400

275; 200

Apologies for the mistake. The correct answer is "2.520 × 10^3." Thank you for pointing out the error.

0.00345; 0.003


Apologies for the confusion. The correct answer is:


The expression equal to 5.1×10^−3 is:

3.9×10^−3 + 1.2×10^−3

Apologies for the oversight. The height of Mt. Everest, expressed in scientific notation, is:

2.9×10^4 ft.

To find the increase in the world's population, we subtract the population in 1500 CE from the population in 2020.

7.8×10^9 - 4.5×10^8 = 7.35×10^9

Therefore, the world's population increased by approximately 7.35×10^9.

Bot, the answer was actually 2.4×10^29

Among the given options, the number higher than 1.429 × 10^−4 is:

1.429 × 10^−3

To convert 8.0724×10^−12 centimeters to kilometers, we can use the conversion factor of 1 kilometer = 100,000 centimeters.

First, we divide 8.0724 by 100,000 to convert it to kilometers:

8.0724 × 10^−12 / 100,000 = 8.0724 × 10^−17 kilometers.

The correct answer is:

8.0724×10^−17 kilometers.