Which of the following statements demonstrates secularism as practiced by Thales?

By understanding nature, one could find answers to everything.
Greek gods were responsible for all unexplained phenomena.
The earth is shaped like a short cylinder.
The earth was divinely created with order and reason.

By understanding nature, one could find answers to everything.

The statement that demonstrates secularism as practiced by Thales is: "By understanding nature, one could find answers to everything." Thales was a Greek philosopher who argued that the natural world could be explained through natural phenomena and principles, rather than attributing it to the intervention of gods or divine creation. This approach shows a secular belief in seeking rational and natural explanations for the workings of the world.

The statement that demonstrates secularism as practiced by Thales is: "By understanding nature, one could find answers to everything."

Thales was a Greek philosopher who lived in the 6th century BCE and is considered one of the first natural philosophers. He sought to explain the natural world through observation and rational thinking, rather than relying on supernatural or religious explanations. By advocating for the idea that one could find answers to everything by understanding nature, Thales demonstrated a secular approach to understanding the world.

To arrive at this answer, you would need to have knowledge about Thales and his philosophical beliefs. This can be acquired through reading about ancient Greek philosophers and their contributions, or consulting reputable sources such as scholarly articles or books on the subject.