Which branch of government are appointed by the president and determines if laws are constitutional?

The branch of government that is appointed by the president and determines if laws are constitutional is the judiciary branch. Specifically, it is the responsibility of the Supreme Court, which is the highest court in the United States, to interpret the Constitution and ultimately determine the constitutionality of laws. The president appoints justices to the Supreme Court, with confirmation by the Senate, and these justices serve for life or until they voluntarily retire.

The branch of government that is appointed by the president and determines if laws are constitutional is the judiciary branch, specifically the Supreme Court.

The branch of government that is appointed by the president and determines if laws are constitutional is the judicial branch. Specifically, this responsibility falls to the Supreme Court, the highest court in the United States. If you're interested to find this information on your own the next time, here's how you can do it:

1. Use a search engine: Open a search engine like Google or Bing.
2. Enter your question: Type in "Which branch of government determines if laws are constitutional?"
3. Review the search results: Look through the search results provided by the search engine. The first few results will usually be the most relevant.
4. Visit a reliable source: Click on a reputable website or source that provides information on the topic. In this case, government websites, educational websites, or legal databases would be good options.
5. Look for the answer: Once you're on the website, skim through the content or use the search function (if available) to look for information about the branch of government responsible for determining the constitutionality of laws.
6. Verify the information: Cross-reference the information you find across multiple reliable sources to ensure accuracy and reliability.

Remember, conducting your own research can strengthen your understanding of a topic and provide you with valuable skills for finding information independently.