________________________ describes matter that can be stretched into a thin wire.



Thermal conductivity




The term that describes matter that can be stretched into a thin wire is "ductility". Ductility refers to the ability of a material to be easily stretched or drawn out into a thin wire without breaking or losing its structural integrity.

The correct answer is ductility. Ductility is a property that describes the ability of a material to be stretched without breaking and formed into a thin wire. To determine the answer, you can analyze the characteristics of each option:

- Endothermic: This term refers to a process or reaction that absorbs heat or energy from its surroundings. It is not directly related to the ability to be stretched into a thin wire. Hence, it is not the correct option.
- Thermal conductivity: This property relates to a material's ability to conduct heat. While it might have some influence on its ability to be stretched into a thin wire, it is not the most appropriate answer.
- Malleability: This term describes the ability of a material to be hammered or pressed into shapes without breaking. While it is related to the ability to deform a substance, it does not specifically refer to stretching into a thin wire. Therefore, it is not the correct answer.
- Exothermic: This term refers to a process or reaction that releases heat or energy to its surroundings. Like endothermic, it is not directly related to the ability to be stretched into a thin wire.

By evaluating the definitions of each option, we can conclude that ductility is the most suitable term to describe matter that can be stretched into a thin wire.