Rank the phases of matter from the one with the least kinetic energy to the greatest kinetic energy for the particles in the substance.(1 point)


Least gas

Greatest liquidLeast gas downarrow solid Greatest liquid

Least solid

Greatest gasLeast solid downarrow liquid Greatest gas

Least solid

Greatest liquidLeast solid downarrow gas Greatest liquid

Least gas

Greatest solidLeast gas downarrow liquid Greatest solid
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Least solid → liquid → gas → Greatest

Ranking the phases of matter from the one with the least kinetic energy to the greatest kinetic energy for the particles in the substance, the correct order is:

1. Least kinetic energy: solid
2. Gas
3. Greatest kinetic energy: liquid

The correct answer is:

Least kinetic energy: solid

Intermediate kinetic energy: liquid

Greatest kinetic energy: gas

To understand why this is the case, we need to consider the behavior of particles in different phases of matter. In a solid, particles are closely packed together and have a fixed position, so their kinetic energy is relatively low. In a liquid, particles have more freedom to move around, leading to higher kinetic energy compared to solids. In a gas, particles are further apart and move freely, resulting in the highest kinetic energy among the three phases.