Biodiversity is important for the sustainability of ecosystems. However, many of the human actions that are aimed at growing communities are decreasing the biodiversity of these areas, leaving populations and ecosystems vulnerable. As human populations grow, the terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems they use may be transformed by the efforts of human beings and biodiversity losses typically accompany these processes. Which of these actions decrease biodiversity and threaten sustainability?

Select ALL that apply.

Select 3 correct answer(s)
Question 1 options:

Decreased use of pesticides and fertilizers can allow for increased damage to plant life.

Pollution from building and commercialization can create health problems in exposed organisms.

Habitat destruction reduces or eliminates the food resources and living space for most species.

Regulated hunting seasons artificially decrease hunted populations, often leading to extinctions.

Invasive (non-native) species may outcompete native species for food and habitat.

Habitat destruction reduces or eliminates the food resources and living space for most species.

Regulated hunting seasons artificially decrease hunted populations, often leading to extinctions.

Invasive (non-native) species may outcompete native species for food and habitat.

The actions that decrease biodiversity and threaten sustainability are:

1) Habitat destruction reduces or eliminates the food resources and living space for most species.
2) Invasive (non-native) species may outcompete native species for food and habitat.
3) Pollution from building and commercialization can create health problems in exposed organisms.

The actions that decrease biodiversity and threaten sustainability are:

1) Habitat destruction reduces or eliminates the food resources and living space for most species. This can occur through deforestation, urbanization, conversion of natural habitats into agricultural land, and infrastructure development.

2) Invasive (non-native) species may outcompete native species for food and habitat. These invasive species can disrupt the natural balance and negatively impact the native biodiversity.

3) Pollution from building and commercialization can create health problems in exposed organisms. Pollution can directly affect the health and survival of organisms, leading to declines in populations and loss of biodiversity. It can also contaminate water bodies and soil, further impacting the ecosystem.

So, the correct options are:

- Habitat destruction reduces or eliminates the food resources and living space for most species.
- Invasive (non-native) species may outcompete native species for food and habitat.
- Pollution from building and commercialization can create health problems in exposed organisms.