Zuri earned $56.80 at his job last week. They then spent $40 on a video game. 56.80+(−40)=16.80. Interpret this sum in the context of the problem.(1 point)


A. $16.80 is how much more Zuri needs to purchase another video game.

B. $16.80 is how much Zuri gets paid per hour.

C. 16.8 is the number of hours Zuri works each week.

D. $16.80 is the amount Zuri has left from their earnings last week after purchasing the video game.

D. $16.80 is the amount Zuri has left from their earnings last week after purchasing the video game.

D. $16.80 is the amount Zuri has left from their earnings last week after purchasing the video game.

The correct interpretation of the sum 56.80 + (-40) = 16.80 in the context of the problem is option D. $16.80 is the amount Zuri has left from their earnings last week after purchasing the video game.

To arrive at this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Start with the initial amount Zuri earned, which is $56.80.
2. Subtract the amount Zuri spent on the video game, which is $40.
3. Perform the subtraction: $56.80 - $40 = $16.80.
4. The result, $16.80, represents the remaining amount Zuri has after buying the video game.