Use the image to answer the question.

A number line with arrows at both ends ranges from negative 12 to 12. The numbers negative 12, 0, and 12 are labeled.

Solve the following equation: 22+−20. Use the number line as a model to find the solution.

(1 point)

negative 42

negative 2



To solve the equation 22 + (-20), we start at the number 22 on the number line. We then move 20 units to the left, since we have a negative 20.

By counting 20 units to the left, we reach the number 2 on the number line.

Therefore, the solution to the equation 22 + (-20) is 2.

To solve the equation using the number line as a model, we start at the number 22 on the number line and then move 20 units to the left.

From the number line, we can see that moving 20 units to the left from 22 brings us to 2. Since we moved to the left, the answer will be negative.

Therefore, the solution to the equation 22 + (-20) using the number line as a model is -2.

To solve the equation 22 + (-20), we can use the number line as a model.

Start at the number 22 on the number line. From there, we need to move a distance of -20.

Since -20 is negative, we need to move to the left on the number line. Each mark on the number line represents a value of 1.

So, to move a distance of 20 to the left, we count 20 marks to the left of the number 22.

When we count 20 marks to the left, we land on the number 2.

However, since we moved to the left, the value will be negative.

Therefore, the solution to the equation 22 + (-20) is -2 or negative 2.

So the correct response is -2 or negative 2.