A carpenter is working on a project that calls for three pieces of wood.

The longest piece must be twice the length of the middle-sized piece.
The shortest piece must be 6 inches shorter than the middle-sized piece.
If the three pieces sum to a total of 80 inches, how long must each piece be?

Let x= length of the middle-sized piece

Write an expression involving x for the length of each piece.

Longest piece =

Middle-sized piece =

Shortest piece =

Write an equation taking the sum of the three pieces and solve.

Longest piece = 2x

Middle-sized piece = x
Shortest piece = x - 6

The equation for the sum of the three pieces is:
2x + x + (x - 6) = 80

Simplifying the equation:
4x - 6 = 80
4x = 86
x = 21.5

Therefore, the length of the middle-sized piece is 21.5 inches.
The longest piece is 2 * 21.5 = 43 inches.
The shortest piece is 21.5 - 6 = 15.5 inches.

Let's generate the expressions for the length of each piece:

Longest piece = 2 * (middle-sized piece) = 2x
Shortest piece = (middle-sized piece) - 6 = x - 6

Now let's write the equation for the sum of the three pieces:

Longest piece + Middle-sized piece + Shortest piece = 80
2x + x + (x - 6) = 80

Simplifying the equation:

4x - 6 = 80
4x = 86
x = 21.5

Therefore, the middle-sized piece is 21.5 inches.
Using this value, we can find the lengths of the other two pieces:

Longest piece = 2 * (21.5) = 43 inches
Shortest piece = 21.5 - 6 = 15.5 inches

So the lengths of the three pieces are:
Longest piece = 43 inches
Middle-sized piece = 21.5 inches
Shortest piece = 15.5 inches

To find the lengths of the three pieces, let's write expressions involving x for each piece.

Longest piece = 2x
The longest piece must be twice the length of the middle-sized piece.

Middle-sized piece = x
This is already given in the question.

Shortest piece = x - 6
The shortest piece must be 6 inches shorter than the middle-sized piece.

Now, let's write an equation taking the sum of the three pieces and solve it.

Longest piece + Middle-sized piece + Shortest piece = 80

Substituting the expressions we found earlier,

2x + x + (x - 6) = 80

Now, combine like terms,

4x - 6 = 80

Next, add 6 to both sides to isolate the variable,

4x = 86

Finally, divide both sides by 4,

x = 21.5

So the length of the middle-sized piece is 21.5 inches.

To find the lengths of the other two pieces, substitute this value back into the expressions we found earlier.

Longest piece = 2 * 21.5 = 43 inches
Shortest piece = 21.5 - 6 = 15.5 inches

Therefore, the lengths of the three pieces are 43 inches, 21.5 inches, and 15.5 inches, respectively.