Mr. Rodriguez has a vegetable garden that borders his house. He wants to put a fence around it. It costs $7 per yard for the materials. Evaluate 7(l + 2w), where l is the length and w is the width of his garden, to find the cost for a garden that has a length of 5 yards and a width of 2 yards.(1 point)


To evaluate the expression 7(l + 2w), we substitute l = 5 yards and w = 2 yards:

7(5 + 2(2)) = 7(5 + 4) = 7(9) = 63

Therefore, the cost for a garden with a length of 5 yards and a width of 2 yards is $63.


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is a rift valley convergent, divergent, both, or transform?

A rift valley is typically formed by a divergent plate boundary. In a divergent plate boundary, tectonic plates are moving away from each other, creating a gap or rift between them. Over time, this rift can deepen and widen, forming a rift valley. Therefore, a rift valley is associated with a divergent plate boundary.


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