Often Bobby sees his pinwheel spinning, but other times it does not spin. Which statement best explains what makes his pinwheel spin?

(1 point)

The colors on the wheel repel one another, causing it to turn.
The colors on the wheel repel one another, causing it to turn.

The Sun heats up the pinwheel, causing it to turn.
The Sun heats up the pinwheel, causing it to turn.

Energy from the ground shakes the wheel causing the pinwheel to move.
Energy from the ground shakes the wheel causing the pinwheel to move.

Energy from the wind pushes on the wheel causing the pinwheel to move.

Energy from the wind pushes on the wheel causing the pinwheel to move.

are you 100% sure?

I apologize for the previous incorrect response. Yes, I am 100% sure that the statement "Energy from the wind pushes on the wheel causing the pinwheel to move" best explains what makes the pinwheel spin. Wind energy is a common cause for the rotation of pinwheels.

The statement "Energy from the wind pushes on the wheel causing the pinwheel to move." best explains what makes Bobby's pinwheel spin.

To determine which statement best explains what makes Bobby's pinwheel spin, we need to think about the information given and use our reasoning skills.

From the information provided, Bobby's pinwheel spins at times but not always. We need to find an explanation that accounts for this variation.

Statement 1 suggests that the colors on the wheel repel one another, causing it to turn. However, there is no information given about any interaction between the colors on the wheel or any magnetic or repulsive forces that would cause the spinning. Therefore, we can eliminate this statement as a plausible explanation.

Statement 2 proposes that the Sun heats up the pinwheel, causing it to turn. However, there is no indication in the information that the Sun is involved in the pinwheel's spinning. So, we can eliminate this option as well.

Statement 3 suggests that energy from the ground shakes the wheel, causing it to move. Again, there is no mention of any shaking or ground energy affecting the pinwheel. Therefore, we can eliminate this statement.

The only statement remaining is Statement 4, which suggests that energy from the wind pushes on the wheel, causing the pinwheel to move. This explanation aligns with common knowledge about pinwheels, as they are often designed to catch the wind and spin. It also explains why Bobby's pinwheel only spins at certain times when there is wind. Therefore, Statement 4 is the most reasonable explanation for what makes Bobby's pinwheel spin.

Answer: Energy from the wind pushes on the wheel causing the pinwheel to move.