
Of the following, who emerged as a strong leader and organizer of colonial protests and public support?
(1 point)

Crispus Attucks
Crispus Attucks

John Adams
John Adams

Samuel Adams
Samuel Adams

George Grenville

Samuel Adams

The answer is Samuel Adams. He emerged as a strong leader and organizer of colonial protests and public support.

To find out who emerged as a strong leader and organizer of colonial protests and public support among the given options, we can analyze each individual's role and contributions during that time.

1. Crispus Attucks: Crispus Attucks was a African-American killed during the Boston Massacre in 1770, and while he played a significant role in the early stages of resistance, he cannot be classified as a strong leader and organizer of colonial protests and public support.

2. John Adams: John Adams was a prominent lawyer and politician who played a vital role in the American Revolution. However, his activities were more focused on legal representation rather than being a dedicated leader and organizer of protests.

3. Samuel Adams: Samuel Adams, on the other hand, emerged as a strong leader and organizer of colonial protests and public support. He was one of the founding fathers and an influential figure in the Sons of Liberty, a group that engaged in acts of protest against British policies, including organizing the Boston Tea Party. Samuel Adams was a key figure in rallying public support and documenting grievances against British rule.

4. George Grenville: George Grenville was a British politician who served as Prime Minister from 1763 to 1765, introducing numerous taxation measures that sparked controversy and protests. While he had a significant role in shaping colonial policy, he cannot be seen as a leader or organizer of colonial protests and public support.

Based on this analysis, the correct answer is Samuel Adams.