How were the Qin Empire and the Han dynasty similar and different?

(1 point)

Both the Qin and Han were ruled by a powerful emperor, but the Qin believed in the Mandate of Heaven, whereas the Han believed in legalism.

Both the Qin and Han were ruled by a powerful emperor, but the Qin believed in the Mandate of Heaven, whereas the Han believed in legalism.

Both the Qin and Han used the Silk Road for trade, but only the Han experienced significant economic benefits.

Both the Qin and Han used the Silk Road for trade, but only the Han experienced significant economic benefits.

Both the Qin and Han had an economy based on agriculture, but their farming methods and crops were different.

Both the Qin and Han had an economy based on agriculture, but their farming methods and crops were different.

Both the Qin and Han had a strong central government, but the Han used a civil service system and the Qin did not.

Both the Qin and Han were ruled by a powerful emperor, but the Qin believed in the Mandate of Heaven, whereas the Han believed in legalism.

Both the Qin and Han used the Silk Road for trade, but only the Han experienced significant economic benefits.

Both the Qin and Han had an economy based on agriculture, but their farming methods and crops were different.

Both the Qin and Han had a strong central government, but the Han used a civil service system and the Qin did not.

How were the Qin Empire and the Han dynasty similar and different?

(1 point)

Both the Qin and Han were ruled by a powerful emperor, but the Qin believed in the Mandate of Heaven, whereas the Han believed in legalism.

Both the Qin and Han were ruled by a powerful emperor, but the Qin believed in the Mandate of Heaven, whereas the Han believed in legalism.

Both the Qin and Han used the Silk Road for trade, but only the Han experienced significant economic benefits.

Both the Qin and Han used the Silk Road for trade, but only the Han experienced significant economic benefits.

Both the Qin and Han had an economy based on agriculture, but their farming methods and crops were different.

Both the Qin and Han had an economy based on agriculture, but their farming methods and crops were different.

Both the Qin and Han had a strong central government, but the Han used a civil service system and the Qin did not.

All of the given responses are correct:

- Both the Qin and Han were ruled by a powerful emperor, indicating a centralized form of government.
- The Qin believed in the Mandate of Heaven, which was a belief that the ruler's authority was justified by divine approval, while the Han believed in legalism, a philosophy that emphasized strict laws and punishments.
- Both the Qin and Han utilized the Silk Road for trade, though the Han experienced significant economic benefits through the route compared to the Qin.
- Both the Qin and Han had agricultural-based economies, but their farming methods and crops differed.
- Although both had strong central governments, the Han implemented a civil service system, where government officials were selected based on merit and skills, while the Qin did not have such a system.

hat is a major achievement associated with the Shang dynasty?

(1 point)

the development of a writing system

the development of a writing system

the construction of the Great Wall

the construction of the Great Wall

the invention of paper

the invention of paper

the technique of rice farming

the technique of rice farming

The major achievement associated with the Shang dynasty is the development of a writing system.

Which statements accurately describe the Silk Road? Select the two correct answers.

(1 point)

It was created to help protect China from invaders.

It was created to help protect China from invaders.

It was used mainly for trade.

It was used mainly for trade.

It was similar to the Great Wall in both distance and direction.

It was similar to the Great Wall in both distance and direction.

Its route passed through two bodies of water and the Himalaya Mountains.

Its route passed through two bodies of water and the Himalaya Mountains.

It contributed to the spread of Buddhism in ancient China.

It contributed to the spread of Buddhism in ancient China.

The correct statements about the Silk Road are:

- It was used mainly for trade.
- It contributed to the spread of Buddhism in ancient China.

Use the drop-down menu to complete the sentence.(1 point)

Systems of
contributed to the economic development of early Japanese civilizations.

Systems of trade and agriculture contributed to the economic development of early Japanese civilizations.

To determine how the Qin Empire and the Han dynasty were similar and different, let's break down the given options:

1. Both the Qin and Han were ruled by a powerful emperor, but the Qin believed in the Mandate of Heaven, whereas the Han believed in legalism.
This option highlights the difference in the philosophical beliefs of the two dynasties. The Qin believed in the concept of the Mandate of Heaven, which held that the emperor's right to rule was granted by the gods or the heavens. On the other hand, the Han dynasty subscribed to legalism, a school of thought that emphasized strict laws and harsh punishments to maintain social order.

2. Both the Qin and Han used the Silk Road for trade, but only the Han experienced significant economic benefits.
This option focuses on the similarity of trade routes used by both dynasties, however, it highlights a difference in economic gains. While both the Qin and Han utilized the Silk Road for trade, it is suggested that only the Han dynasty significantly benefited from these trade routes, implying greater economic prosperity for the Han.

3. Both the Qin and Han had an economy based on agriculture, but their farming methods and crops were different.
This option highlights the similarity of both dynasties having an agricultural-based economy, but it also emphasizes differences in farming methods and crops. This suggests that while the Qin and Han both relied on agriculture, they may have practiced distinct farming techniques and cultivated different crops.

4. Both the Qin and Han had a strong central government, but the Han used a civil service system, and the Qin did not.
This option points out a similarity in having a strong central government, but it highlights a difference in the way they governed. The Han dynasty implemented a civil service system, which means that government officials were selected based on their merit and performance in exams. In contrast, the Qin dynasty did not have a civil service system.

Overall, all of the given options highlight both similarities and differences between the Qin Empire and the Han dynasty, ranging from political beliefs, economic activities, agricultural practices, and government systems.