Which of the following city states reigned as the closets thing to an empire in maya history , A. Chichen itza, B. Copan, C. Tikal, D. Plaenque

The correct answer is A. Chichen Itza.

The city-state that reigned as the closest thing to an empire in Maya history is C. Tikal.

To determine which of the city-states reigned as the closest thing to an empire in Maya history, let's examine the characteristics and historical significance of each option:

A. Chichen Itza: Chichen Itza was a large pre-Columbian city-state located in the Yucatan Peninsula of present-day Mexico. While it was a significant city and exerted influence over other regions, it is not considered to have achieved empire-like status.

B. Copan: Copan was an ancient Maya city-state located in present-day Honduras. It was known for its impressive architecture and artistic achievements; however, it did not reach the level of an empire-like political structure.

C. Tikal: Tikal was one of the most powerful and influential Maya city-states located in present-day Guatemala. It flourished during the Classic Period of Maya civilization (c. 200-900 AD) and dominated surrounding regions. Tikal expanded its territory through military conquests and established alliances with other cities, which provides the basis for considering it the closest thing to an empire among the options given.

D. Palenque: Palenque was another significant Maya city-state situated in present-day Mexico. While it had a powerful ruling dynasty and made notable contributions to art and architecture, it did not attain the same level of political control as Tikal.

Therefore, the city-state that reigned as the closest thing to an empire in Maya history among the given options is C. Tikal.