When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, it had a large hole.

Which correction makes it clear what the antecedent is for it?

When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, one had a large hole.

When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, the lining had a large hole.

The hole it had was the jacket's when she removed the lining because of the hole.

B. When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, the lining had a large hole.

B. When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, the lining had a large hole.

The correct option that makes it clear what the antecedent is for "it" in the sentence would be option B: "When she removed the jacket and looked at the lining, the lining had a large hole."

To understand why option B is the correct choice, let's break down the sentence. The sentence describes a person removing a jacket and looking at the lining. The antecedent of "it" refers to the object being discussed, which is the lining of the jacket. In option B, "the lining" is used to clearly refer back to the object in question, making it evident that the lining is what had a large hole.

Option A, "one had a large hole," is not as clear because "one" could refer to various different things and does not specifically indicate the lining.

Option C is grammatically incorrect and does not provide a clear antecedent for "it." Additionally, it introduces irrelevant information about the lining being caused by a hole in the jacket, which is not mentioned in the original sentence.