Which intensive pronoun correctly completes the sentence?

The actors _____ wanted to present the award to the director.




A. themselves

The correct answer is A. themselves.

The correct intensive pronoun to complete the sentence is "themselves" (option A).

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the role of an intensive pronoun. An intensive pronoun is a pronoun that emphasizes a noun or another pronoun in a sentence. In this case, we need a pronoun that emphasizes or refers back to "the actors."

To confirm the answer, we can substitute each option into the sentence and see if it makes sense:

A. The actors themselves wanted to present the award to the director. (correct)
B. The actors she wanted to present the award to the director. (incorrect)
C. The actors her wanted to present the award to the director. (incorrect)

Option A is the only one that correctly forms a logical and grammatically correct sentence. Therefore, the answer is "themselves" (option A).