Locke’s principle of a natural right to property was established in the Constitution. Certain guarantees in the Constitution protect the rights of people to own private property, enforce contracts, and engage freely in business activities. These freedoms are essential to a market economy. Article I of the Constitution also gave Congress the power to regulate commerce and encourage the free flow of goods between states, creating an environment in which business could thrive.

Use the excerpt to answer the question.
Based on this excerpt from the text, how was Locke’s principle for the right to property represented by the nation becoming one common market?
(1 point)

It brought about an end to tariffs on goods traded and sold between states.
It brought about an end to tariffs on goods traded and sold between states.

Individuals could now enforce contracts that the courts had originally rejected.
Individuals could now enforce contracts that the courts had originally rejected.

Businesses were now able to operate among all the states rather than just within their own state.
Businesses were now able to operate among all the states rather than just within their own state.

It gave people the right to engage freely in producing, selling, and buying products.
It gave people the right to engage freely in producing, selling, and buying products.

The correct answer is: It gave people the right to engage freely in producing, selling, and buying products.

The correct answer is: It gave people the right to engage freely in producing, selling, and buying products.

Based on the excerpt, Locke's principle for the right to property was represented by the nation becoming one common market in a few ways:

1. It brought about an end to tariffs on goods traded and sold between states: This means that there were no longer taxes or fees imposed on goods as they moved between different states. This aligns with Locke's principle that individuals have a right to freely engage in business activities, including buying and selling goods.

2. Individuals could now enforce contracts that the courts had originally rejected: This suggests that the Constitution protected the rights of individuals to enforce contracts, even if the courts had initially rejected them. This supports Locke's principle that individuals have the right to own private property and engage in contractual agreements.

3. Businesses were now able to operate among all the states rather than just within their own state: This indicates that the Constitution enabled businesses to expand their operations beyond their state boundaries. This aligns with Locke's principle that individuals have the right to own and operate private businesses.

4. It gave people the right to engage freely in producing, selling, and buying products: This means that individuals were granted the right to freely participate in economic activities, such as producing, selling, and buying products. This corresponds with Locke's principle that individuals have the natural right to property and the freedom to engage in economic pursuits.

Based on these explanations, the correct answer to the question is: It gave people the right to engage freely in producing, selling, and buying products.